The Octagon Parish
A beautiful environment for your wedding or blessing.
First Steps

Please consult the restrictions noted below.
A useful resource for information on getting married in church can be found via thsi link to The Church of England site, Your Church Wedding.

Qualifying Connections

For marriage, where either or both of the couple are neither resident in nor on the electoral roll of the ecclesiastical parish of the Octagona qualifying connection needs to be established between one member of the couple and the Octagon Parish in accordance with the Marriage Measure 2008An initial meeting will be arranged to discuss the qualifying connection, agree details, and gather necessary information. No couple may assume any entitlement to a blessing or a marriage until they have both completed this step. 

Banns of Marriage

Banns of Marriage need to be called in The Octagon churches (to be completed a minimum of 3 weeks before the wedding) and also in the couple’s local church(es) where the couple normally reside, if this is outside the Octagon Parish .

Marriage by Common or Special Licence

In exceptional circumstances it may be possible for a marriage to take place by Archbishop’s Special Licence for couples who, for good reason, are not able to qualify by residence, enrolment on the electoral roll or under the terms of the Marriage Measure 2008. Early discussion of this with the Vicar is necessary. Marriage at St Paul’s Chapel, Stansted, may only take place by Special Licence. 

 Where one or other party cannot have banns called for some reason (e.g. if living abroad) and the couple otherwise qualify then it may be possible to be married by Common Licence. Please note, if you are not British or Irish, other restrictions may apply. Again early discussion with the Vicar is necessary. 


Marriages may not be conducted before 8 am or after 6 pm, nor on Good Friday, Easter Day, Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.

What Next?

The next step is to have a conversation with us about your plans. Either by email on or by calling the vicarage on 02392 631252

Please also check the information specific to each church when making plans for your special day.
Our Churches – The Octagon Parish


Please Click Here for all the Practical Details You’ll Need to Know When Holding Your Marriage Ceremony in our Churches