Holding Your Wedding or Marriage Blessing Ceremony, Funeral, Baptism or other special service in the Churches of The Octagon Parish

Orders of Service
The design and printing of orders of service is the responsibility of the family or couple but the approval of the Rector or Churchwardens is required before they are printed and used in the church.

Each church in the Octagon has its own hymn books. If these books are used there is no breach of copyright. However, if the words of hymns are reproduced on service sheets, most modern hymns are the subject of copyright, and a fee may be payable. Please contact us for details.

Photography / Videos.
The term photography in this section means the taking of photographs and videos.

Although we understand that many present will want to take photographs and video on smartphones, we ask that disturbance is kept to a minimum and smartphone users show respect for the solemnity of the occasion.

Professional photography is only permitted inside the church during the service with the permission of both the Rector or Churchwardens and the minister taking the service. Expressly named photographers who may be allowed to take photographs/videos from specified locations in the church at specified times during the service; for weddings this will include the signing of the register. The named photographers will be encouraged to attend the any rehearsals to ensure that these locations and times are agreed prior to the ceremony.

Opportunities can be provided for members of the congregation to take photographs/videos immediately after the service in suitable locations.

If you are planning to video your special service, you need to think about copyright issues. In general no copyright charges are payable provided that the rights in the recording and copies of the recording are not to be sold for profit other than the copy purchased by you; no more than 25 copies are made and no part of the recording is shown in public. If in doubt consult the photographer hired to take the video. There is usually an extra fee payable to the organist if their playing is to be recorded on video.

It is the practice of the Octagon churches to place a collection plate at the back of the church for donations. Any monies collected will help towards the maintenance costs of the beautiful church in which you are to be married.

Building Work
Sometimes building work and/or maintenance is required in our churches which can include disturbances such as:
– scaffolding work in or outside the church
– alterations to, or the covering of, some of the fabric of the church, inside or outside.
– the placing of specialist tools, materials and equipment in or outside churches.
No undertaking whatsoever can be given to allow any remedies or changes to these necessary disturbances. Although every attempt will be made to minimise the impact of such works, the planned maintenance schedule cannot usually be altered to accommodate weddings, and materials and equipment cannot be removed for wedding ceremonies. Those seeking marriage must accept our churches as they find them and accept the rulings in these matters of the Vicar and Churchwardens.

Church Seating
The only modification to the ordering of the churches that will be permitted are minor re-arrangements of seating in the chancel area, but only as directed by the Rector or Churchwardens; and provision of some extra temporary seats inside the Church provided these seats are available from stocks held within the church and always at the discretion of the Local Warden or Sidespersons in charge.  Such extra seating will never be allowed to block the aisles of the church, and the total number of seats must not exceed the documented maximum safe capacity of the church.

Plans for flowers will need to be discussed prior to installation, whether you are arranging the flowers yourselves, or employing a professional florist. There is no water supply available; you are therefore advised to bring adequate supplies with you. It is common practice to leave at least some flower arrangements in the church for services that week, although this should be discussed with the Local Warden prior to the ceremony. Any other flowers or decorations should be removed from the church as soon as possible after the ceremony, so that normal worship may continue unaffected.

The practice of sprinkling confetti of whatever description (paper or bio-degradable), flower petals or the like inside the Octagon churches is forbidden. Bio-degradable confetti and flower petals may be sprinkled in the churchyard after the ceremony.

Please tell the Rector if you wish to arrange your own organist, or if you wish one to be arranged for you. A fee will be payable to the organist. If the ceremony is to be recorded on film a supplementary fee should be paid to the organist.

After the Service
A member of the congregation should be designated to be responsible for removing any belongings etc. that may have been left behind in the church after the ceremony. The Octagon Parish cannot take responsibility for any lost property.