There are many ways to keep in touch with others in The Octagon Parish. Below are some of the more parish-wide sources of information and ways to connect, but there are also numerous local groups and networks. If you are new to the area, friends and neighbours will be able to help you connect with these less formal groups.

The Octagon Useful Contacts

Sign up to receive weekly news from our churches

Sign up to receive updates by email from our Rector and the Octagon Parish, including times for church services

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Subscribe to The Octagon Magazine

Subscribe to receive a printed edition of the Octagon Magazine

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Sign up to the our Community Facebook Group

The Octagon Parish Community Facebook Group is a friendly group for local people to connect and share information of relevance to the local area. Request to join and agree to the terms and conditions.

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Our Churches

The Octagon contains eight uniquely beautiful churches, many of them several hundred years old, seven of which are open for public worship.

Explore our Churches


We take safeguarding very seriously across our parish and within our churches and schools. To find out more – please click

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