There are Many and Varied Exciting Ways to Raise Money for The Octagon Parish

There are many opportunities and we will be happy to offer any support we can to assist you in your fundraising efforts. Perhaps you simply want to volunteer your time to support and help at one of our fundraising events. Alternatively you might consider using one of the many online fundraising platforms to raise funds through your sporting or other endeavours.
Please don’t hesitate to have a word with our treasurer or administrator to discuss your ideas.

Brigitte, Emma and George

Brigitte, Emma and George – three friends who volunteered their time to raise funds for St Mary’s Church, Compton at the Compton Church Garden Party.
“It was a beautiful day. We arrived early and Steph, who was in charge, put us on the flowers and produce table. People in our villages are incredibly generous and as well as bringing along some of our own produce to sell there were plenty of fantastic donations to put on display. In total the Garden Party raised £1,800 for our local church and we had a really fun time”

If you can spare a day, a few hours or even a whole weekend to help out at any of our fundraising events we would be delighted to hear from you!

Rachel’s Story

Rachel lives in Compton village and spends her spare time running around the parish in all weathers. In 2019 she decided to complete her first Ultramarathon, the 100km Race to the King along the South Downs Way, ending in Winchester.
She wanted to raise money through sponsorship to support the work of The Octagon Parish and also the Multiple Sclerosis Society – both charities very important to her.
As it was her first ultra marathon and not wanting to put herself under too much pressure, she did not take up a charity place for the race, but paid the entry fee out of her own funds. This gave her the flexibility to raise money for both charities at once using an online fundraising platform that allowed donations to be split 50/50 between the two charities.
The Octagon Parish helped with her fundraising efforts, publicising her adventure in The Octagon Magazine and in our other media.
Money raised by Rachel went towards the purchase of a digital projector. This has really made a big difference to church services for young people and children who enjoy the visual element, but has also been used for presentations in our churches and village halls.

If you wish to fundraise in this way, do have a word with us about how we can help. We can talk to event organisers about getting our charity listed if you wish to take up a charity place. We can also advise about setting up fundraising platforms and accepting one-off donations as well as publicising your efforts through our print and social media channels.

Annabel’s Fundraiser

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Charity Registration No. 1156866

The Parochial Church Council of the Octagon Parish is listed with the charity commission
Click here for further information from the Charity Commission

For further information on the Octagon Parochial Church Council please visit the PCC webpages. by clicking here


Octagon Financial Policy Documents

Please click on the headings below to access our financial policy documents.

The Octagon Parish Fundraising and Grant Seeking Policy

The Octagon Parish Legacy Policy

The Octagon Parish Investment Policy

The Octagon Parish Reserves Policy

Friends Societies

Both Up Marden, St Michael and Stoughton St Mary have active Friends Societies. These groups make grants towards the material care of these historic churches as well as paying to insure them. They also help to promote religious ,cultural, historic and charitable works to encourage interest in the church.

Charity Commission Page for the Friends of St Michael, Up Marden

Charity Commission Page for the Friends of St Mary, Stoughton

Support the Octagon Parish

Donate to help us maintain and support our churches. With very few other resources in the parish, each church provides a heart for the surrounding community.

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